The 14th Strathroy Area Christmas Bird Count  was held December 23, 2009.


Weather conditions were about a good as you could expect for Christmas week
in southwestern Ontario, with temperatures ranging between -8 to -4 C.
There was just a small amount of snow on the ground.  17 field observers and
5 feeder watchers tallied 16,705 birds of 63 (a new high) species.


New for the count

Red-headed Woodpecker (1)


Record highs

Red-tailed Hawk (104)

Wild Turkey (260)

Rock Pigeon (590)

Long-eared Owl (3)

Downy Woodpecker (201)

Pileated Woodpecker (11)

Tufted Titmouse (4)

Brown Creeper (30)

Yellow-rumped Warbler (36)

Brown-headed Cowbird (277)


Other interesting observations

Northern Pintail (1)

Bald Eagle seen during  count week

Short-eared Owl (6)

Hermit Thrush (2)

Fox Sparrow (2)

Red-winged Blackbird (1)


Thanks to all those who helped with this count.


Dave Skinner

Strathroy, Ontario



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birding organization.
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