Hi folks,
The Brown Thrasher that I first reported back on Dec 6th, 2009, and
counted during the CBC is still alive and well. It continues to come to
a feeder in town (86 Essex Lane in Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario ) where it
consumes meal-worms, suet, seeds, nuts and oatmeal. It has been feeding
at this backyard location since the middle of Nov 2009. The last photos
of this bird (go enough for ID...not worthy of display) were taken in
early January so I will try this week to get some photos for February.
It is pretty skittish to the presence of humans, but is now becoming a
dominant bird at the feeder (it used to get scared off by Mourning
Doves). The best way to observe the bird is actually from inside the
house where it appears unaware that it is being watched. Unfortunately
photos taken from inside the house are not exactly high quality. It
still feeds first in the morning (7:30-8:30am) but now makes brief noon
hour appearances on sunny days at its favourite garden Trellis/Bench
combo. At night it takes refuge in the Cedar hedges that surrounds this
Sault Ste. Marie is located 3 hours west of Sudbury. Essex Lane is
located in the east end of Sault Ste. Marie, west of Boundary Road just
off of Chartwell Drive. 
Ken McIlwrick
Sault Ste. Marie, ON

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birding organization.
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