Just a brief note to advise that the Bohemian Waxwings were still at the
location described by Dave Milsom yesterday.

Norm Murr and I and several other birders observed them at about 9:30 this
morning. It was a mixed flock of Bohemian (13) and Cedar (20) Waxwings.


Norm and I also had two flocks totalling 44 Wild Turkeys, a Horned Lark and
a Red-bellied Woodpecker among other birds as we made our way homeward.


Directions, per Dave:


Feeding in the area of house # 17053 Highway 50 in the village of Palgrave
north of Bolton. Check high-level trees in this vicinity as you enter the
village from the south. The birds are on the east side of the highway.


Ian Cannell



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birding organization.
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