At the entrance to the Warsaw Caves parking lot at about 2.45 pm today. as I was drive by the entrance. (West to East)

A large bird in the size range of a Golden Eagle lifted off the road with its back to me.

Before it turn away I noticed a yellow beak.

The standard Dark Brown and White colourations were vary visible.

Did not have time to use my camera, for a back up proof. Plus the car behind me was tail gating me too close.

The beak was yellow.

The head was the same colour as the body.

This was what first got my first eye sight.

Wing span was close to six foot, as it lifted off road kill and escaped into the trees.

I did not have the time to return and watch for it.

Trust some one else can can firm it.

Kawartha Field Naturalists

Robbie Preston
611 Rogers St. Unit 28
K9H 1X7


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