Hi all,

    I was seeing a good variety of new birds at my feeders and in the yard 
to-day(including 1 Chipping and 1 White-throated Sparrow, 1 Ruby-crowned 
Kinglet and 1 female Yellow-rumped Warbler plus 3 Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers) so 
decided to  drive around the block this afternoon when the rain showers eased 

    Along Mollard Line we saw 2 Vesper Sparrow ~2km apart and the on Army Camp 
Road opposite the campground a mixed flock of ~6/7 Savannah and 3/4 Vesper 
Sparrow - darting along the fenceline, in and out of cover. 

      The swans were located in the shallow water opposite Bressettes(the 
partly flooded) cut area at ~17:30 hrs. There were 8 adult birds and the rest  
had varying amounts of gray in their neckfeathers.  I scoped them well but 
could discern no yellow tags so familiar to me. 

        On our way to Grog's at Northville for the 'Wednesday all you can eat 
Mussels' - I spotted a Greater Yellowlegs in a roadside wet patch just north of 
Outer Drive and when we stopped I saw 1 Spotted Sandpiper and eventually found 
8 Wilson's Snipe. Earlier we had seen 1 Pied-billed Grebe at "L' Lake on our 
way to K.P. 

        A few nice surprises and 2 plates of Jalepeno Tequilla Mussels - L.I.G.

          Cheers!  Maris    


Maris Apse 10094 Red Pine Road, Box 22, RR #2 Grand Bend ON N0M 1T0 (519) 238 - 

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