Good evening Ontbirders.

The Blue Grosbeak at Rondeau (first year male) has been seen regularly
visiting a feeder on campsite #67 up to at least 3:30 pm today.  It
was also observed at campsite #69 at 6:40 am today.  Yesterday, the
bird was seen on and off all day up to 7:30 pm at campsite #67.

After you enter the park, drive about 1 km, the turn left on Rondeau
Avenue.  Drive to the first road on your right, Harrison Trail, turn and
park on the roadside in this vicinity.  Just before / west of
Harrison, there is a small path that leads north into the campground.
Walk past sites #63, 64, 65 and 66 to site #67.  Please be careful to
stay off occupied campsites and not to disturb the campers in the

Warbler highlights for today included Yellow-breasted Chat on South
Point Trail, Blue-winged on Harrison Trail and Golden-winged on
Spicebush Trail.  The best warbler trail was Spicebush.

Other songbirds of interest included Scarlet Tanager on Spicebush
Trail, and Orchard Oriole on South Point and Tulip Tree Trails.

Birders and photographers are cautioned regarding the importance of
following proper birding etiquette within Rondeau Provincial Park.
Please refrain from any use of electronic devices or tapes to call
birds, which harass our wildlife, while in the park.  Thank you for
your understanding, cooperation and compliance.

My afternoon hike for tomorrow at 1:00 pm will visit the Blenheim
Sewage Lagoons near the park.  On May 10 and 11, observers at the
lagoons reported 3 Wilson's Phalarope, a White-rumped Sandpiper and a
large flock of Dunin.  Other shorebirds included Lesser Yellowlegs,
Pectoral Sandpiper and Least Sandpiper.  Waterfowl at the lagoons
include Ruddy Duck and Northern Shoveler.  Pied-billed Grebes were
also seen.

Directions for Sewage Lagoons (courtesy of Irene Woods):
Blenheim is on #3 H [Talbot Rd]. in Chatham-Kent.
Take # 3 H West out of Blenheim, about 1 km.
You will see a car wash at the corner of Lagoon Rd.,
turn right [ North]. Go about 1/2 km. and you will see a small
locked gate [ see below]. Enter at this gate ONLY.

Please park on the lagoon side of the road--only.  NO vehicle access.
Permit required (available from Rondeau Visitor Centre, etc.)

Good birding!

Steve LaForest
Friends of Rondeau Bird Guide
c/o Rondeau Visitor Centre (519) 674-1768
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
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