Hey Birders,


Today was very slow. Strong east winds with rain through the entire day 
hampered migration as well as birding. A Louisiana Waterthrush was seen at 
Lighthouse Point this morning. 


No reports have come in of the female Blue Grosbeak, however it is still likely 
present and will be thoroughly checked for tomorrow. 


Two Ruddy Turnstones were seen first thing at Fish Point.


Whip-poor Will's are regularly being heard from the Municipal Campground and 
along the East-West Road between the lake and Stone Road. 

Good Birding,
Ken Burrell 


Pelee Island Heritage Centre West Dock, Pelee Island, Ontario, N0R 1M0(519) 
"pimuseum" <pimuseum at hotmail.com>

The Heritage Centre is open from 10 am - 5 pm daily. The foyer contains a 
'sightings board' listing May bird sightings (open 24 hours). Lighthouse Point 
is on the NE corner of the 
island, Sheridan Point on the NW corner, Mill Point on the SE corner, and Fish 
Point on the 
SW corner, due south of the West Dock. 

Pelee Island Bird Observatory (PIBO) continues its daily banding and 
Visitors are welcome. For more information about PIBO please visit: www.pibo.ca 
or call 

Pelee Island can be reached by ferry leaving Leamington several times daily. 
For times and 
reservations, call 1-800-661-2220. 

The Eighth Annual Pelee Island Bird Race will take place from noon Friday, May 
7, to noon, 
Saturday, May 8. The Springsong Celebration continues Saturday evening with a 
'Talk and 

The Bird Race is 'All-Green,' i.e. bicycle or pedestrian travel. All teams 
welcome! Contact 
the Heritage Centre for details.

MSN Dating: Find someone special. Start now.
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to ONTBIRDS mailing list ONTBIRDS@hwcn.org
For information about ONTBIRDS visit http://www.ofo.ca/

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