I birded Palletta Park and Shell Park from 7:15 to 11:15 am.  Obviously the 
rain, sw winds and a overnight fog produced the first major fall-out of the 
Highlights were a male Hooded Warbler, an early Blackpoll Warbler in Palletta 
Park and a male Golden-winged Warbler in Shell Park.  For the record, 17 
species were seen at Palletta and 16 species at Shell.  Totals for both parks 
combined: Yellow Warbler: 10; Cape May Warbler: 2; Chestnut-sided Warbler: 22; 
Back-and-White Warbler: 9; Ovenbird: 6; Northern Parula: 6; Blackburnian 
Warbler: 5; Yellow-rumped Warbler: 26; American Redstart: 14; Palm Warbler: 1; 
Tennessee Warbler: 4; Black-throated Green Warbler: 7; Blackpoll Warbler: 1; 
Black-throated Blue Warbler: 23; Hooded Warbler: 1; Common Yellowthroat: 1; 
Northern Waterthrush: 2; Magnolia Warbler: 1; Canada Warbler: 1; Nashville 
Warbler: 2; Golden-winged Warbler: 1.  There were at least 4 Scarlet Tanagers 
and one Great Crested Flycatcher in Shell Park.  R. Hotcariss (I hope the 
spelling right?) gets full credit for spotting the Golden-winged Warbler. 

Both these parks are quite close together.  Palletta Park is located south of 
Lakeshore Boulevard between Appleby and Walkers Line.  Shell Park is located 
north of Lakeshore Boulevard one long block east of the intersection of 
Lakeshore Boulevard and Great Lakes Boulevard ( which for all intensions 
purposes is now an extension of Burloak); the entrance is bit tricky to see 
from Lakeshore.  All the these cross streets list above are clearly marked on 
the QEW.

Wayne Renaud

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
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