Hi Ontbirders:

A return trip to Petrie Island in Ottawa's east end saw a family of Brown 
Thrashers, Least and Great-Crested Flycatchers, Catbirds, at least 2 Kingbirds, 
Hairy Woodpecker, Yellow Warblers, Song Sparrows, adult and juvenile Robins, 
Eastern Phobe but no Black Tern this time (doesn't mean they're not around).  

The Minto Avalon housing division storm management ponds in Orleans mentioned 
in a previous email still has a number of Pied-billed Grebes including quite a 
few young.  Last week I also saw Northern Shoveler there.  In the spring there 
were a few female and male Green-winged Teals in breeding plumage, a Great Blue 
Heron and an Osprey fishing for Koi in the pond. 

PS.  As for the Long-eared Owls in Ottawa, I haven't seen them for awhile now 
but there were at least 2 fledged young.  Photos can be seen here: 
http://www.pbase.com/golfpic/some_recent_shots  and on the Ontario Field 
Orthinologist's website at 
http://www.ofo.ca/photoalbums/current/June/index2.html    Happy birding.


>From Ottawa head east on the Queensway and take the Orleans split in the road. 
> Keep left and go past Orleans exit and Tenth Line and take the Trim road exit 
>on the left at the lights. This will take you across the causeway and onto 
>Petrie Island.  If you do park on Petrie Island, I'd suggest paying for 
>parking from the ticket dispenser which is $2.00 for about 5 hours.  There are 
>also one or two spots along the causeway where you may be able to park free 
>before you get onto the island itself.  
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to ONTBIRDS mailing list ONTBIRDS@hwcn.org
For information about ONTBIRDS visit http://www.ofo.ca/

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