At 11:45 today (4 July) an albatross (not identified to species) flew
low over the parking lot between the smoke stack and the helicopter
pad at Kingston General Hospital near the end of Barrie Street at Lake
Ontario. The bird was at the lake shore, but flew over land the entire
time observed. The bird was as low as 10m above the ground and very
close to the walking trail along the water edge (but on the hospital
side). The bird passed back and forth 3 times, sometimes with
Ring-billed Gulls in pursuit. The bird was last seen circling upward
above the smoke stack drifting eastward.

The bird was predominantly white with fairly even black along the
front edge of the underside of the wing, extending the full length of
the wing. The upperside of the wing and back were uniform black. The
bill appeared somewhat dusky, with a line at the top edge of the bill.
The actual top of the bill may have been a different colour - I
couldn't see for sure. The head may have been somewhat dusky,
particularly around the eye.

The bird flapped when low with fixed, stiff wings. When soaring, the
wings were arced, not bent. The bird appeared about 2.5-3 x the size
(wingspan) of the Ring-billeds, although they were usually diving at
it making comparisons difficult.

Context: I was walking my son in a wagon when the bird flew by - I had
no binoculars or camera. I saw the bird for about 5 minutes, at times
extremely close (15m) when it was at its lowest point, and left the
bird as it was soaring to phone my wife to return with a camera. We
could not relocate the bird later on.

Directions: From 401, take Division Street south to Johnson St. Turn
left, then right on Barrie Street. Take Barrie Street south to the
Lake. The bird was seen just to the west at the visible smoke stack
opposite the hospital.

Paul R. Martin, PhD
Baillie Family Chair in Conservation Biology and Assistant Professor
Department of Biology
Queen's University
Kingston, ON  K7L 3N6
phone: +001 613.533.6598
fax: +001 613.533.6617
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