* New York
* Buffalo
* 09/09/2010
* NYBU1009.09
- Birds mentioned
 Please submit email to dfsuggs localnet com
[UPDATE - BOS Field Trip to Tifft Nature Preserve in Buffalo, Sunday, September 12. Meet at 8 AM in the parking lot for a half day trip led by Chris Newton. Visitors are always welcome on BOS trips.]

 Pied-billed Grebe
 D.-crest. Cormorant
 Great Egret
 Bald Eagle
 Northern Harrier
 Peregrine Falcon
 Black-bellied Plover
 American Golden-Plover
 Semipalmated Plover
 Greater Yellowlegs
 Solitary Sandpiper
 Spotted Sandpiper
 Ruddy Turnstone
 Red Knot
 Semipalm. Sandpiper
 Western Sandpiper
 Least Sandpiper
 White-r. Sandpiper
 Baird's Sandpiper
 Pectoral Sandpiper
 Wilson's Snipe
 American Woodcock
 Red-necked Phalarope
 Common Tern
 Common Nighthawk
 Pileated Woodpecker
 Yellow-b. Flycatcher
 Swainson's Thrush
 Philadelphia Vireo
 Tennessee Warbler
 Nashville Warbler
 Yellow Warbler
 Magnolia Warbler
 Cape May Warbler
 Bl.-thr. Bl. Warbler
 Bl.-thr. GreenWarb.
 Blackburnian Warbler
 Pine Warbler
 Bay-breasted Warbler
 Blackpoll Warbler
 Bl. and w. Warbler
 American Redstart
 Northern Waterthrush
 Common Yellowthroat
 Hooded Warbler
 Wilson's Warbler
 Canada Warbler

- Transcript
 Hotline: Dial-a-Bird at the Buffalo Museum of Science
 Date:             09/09/2010
 Number:           716-896-1271
 To Report:        Same
 Compiler:         David F. Suggs (dfsuggs localnet com)
 Coverage:         Western New York and adjacent Ontario
 Website:          www.BuffaloOrnithologicalSociety.org

 Thursday September 9, 2010

Dial-a-Bird is a service provided by your Buffalo Museum of Science and the Buffalo Ornithological Society. Press (2) to leave a message, (3) for updates, meeting and field trip information and (4) for instructions on how to report sightings. To contact the Science Museum, call 896-5200.

Highlights of the past two weeks, August 26 through September 9 from the Niagara Frontier Region include BLACK- BELLIED WHISTLING DUCK, BUFF-BR. SANDPIPER, WHIMBREL, WILLET and PARASITIC JAEGER.

The BLACK-BELLIED WHISTLING DUCK was still in the Tonawanda Wildlife Management Area on August 27 and 29, at a new location - along the east trail from the Meadville Road dike, between Owens and Route 77.

At least 22 shorebird species were highlighted by a high count of 7 BUFF-BR. SANDPIPERS, September 8, on Canal Bank Road in the Town of Dunnville, Ontario, at house number 425. August 30, a BUFF-BR. SANDPIPER at a surprising location - the Bird Island Pier, viewed from LaSalle Park in Buffalo. WHIMBREL and BAIRD'S SANDPIPER also on the Pier.

September 1, two WILLETS at Barcelona Harbor, on Lake Erie in the Town of Ripley.

August 27, three RED-NECKED PHALAROPES in the Tonawanda Wildlife Management Area, on the south side of Route 77 just east of Griswold Road. Another RED-NECKED PHALAROPE with WHIMBREL and 2 RED KNOTS, at Long Beach Conservation Area on Lake Erie in Wainfleet, Ontario.

Also in Ontario, recent reports from Rock Point Provincial Park included WESTERN SANDPIPER, BAIRD'S SANDPIPER and WHITE-R. SANDPIPER. In the nearby turf farms on Poth and Canal Bank Roads, numbers of BLACK-BELLIED PLOVERS, AMERICAN GOLDEN-PLOVERS and an unexpected RED KNOT.

Both adult and juvenile PARASITIC JAEGER this week on Lake Ontario off the Town of Wilson, and one or two JAEGER SPECIES on Lake Erie off Hamburg Town Park.

Nineteen warbler species this week from Tifft Nature Preserve and Delaware Park in Buffalo, Buckhorn Island State Park on Grand Island, and Greenwood Cemetery in Wilson. Other migrants - YELLOW-B. FLYCATCHER, PHILADELPHIA VIREO, VEERY and SWAINSON'S THRUSH. Night migrant VEERYS were heard over the Town of Tonawanda.

Other recent highlights - 79 PIED-BILLED GREBES and 115 GREAT EGRETS in the Tonawanda Wildlife Management Area and Iroquois Refuge. D.-CREST. CORMORANTS - 711 on the Buckhorn Island electric towers and over 800 D.-CREST. CORMORANTS on the Buffalo waterfront. A rare find on Grand Island, a NORTHERN HARRIER at the West River Parkway. OSPREY, BALD EAGLE, NORTHERN HARRIER and MERLIN on Swamp Road in Randolph. Another MERLIN hunting over the athletic fields behind Amherst High School. PEREGRINE FALCON at Buckhorn Island. 178 COMMON TERNS on Lake Ontario at Fort Niagara, and an estimated 800 COMMON TERNS on Lake Erie at Long Beach. 3 COMMON NIGHTHAWKS over Tonawanda, and 3 WHIP-POOR- WILLS singing on Wilson Road in Wainfleet. PILEATED WOODPECKER on the States Trail at the Reinstein Preserve in Cheektowaga. And, more detail on a RAIL SPECIES reported at Tifft Nature Preserve would be appreciated.

Dial-a-Bird will be updated Thursday evening, September 16. Please call in your sightings by noon Thursday. You may report sightings after the tone. Thank you for calling and reporting to Dial-a-Bird.

- End Transcript

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
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