I had a very good morning's birding on the Islands today, the birds in the
subject line being the highlights.

Boreal Chickadee - 1 seen and heard with a group of Black-capped Chickadees
and Kinglets in the garden of the Rectory Cafe (Ward's Island). As seems to
be the case with most of the Boreal Chickadees that have been seen further
south than usual this fall, this one didn't hang around for long. I saw it
for about 30 seconds before it and the rest of the birds moved on (they went
in the direction of Algonquin Island).

Cave Swallow - 2 birds circling over the field on the east side of the
Island Water Treatment Plant. I first saw them arond 11:30 and they were
still there when I went past again at 12:45, so these might stick around.

Bobolink - This was probably actually the most surprising bird of the day.
It was in the weedy field directly to the east of the Gibraltar Point Centre
for the Arts.

Bohemian Waxwing - I had a group of 8 birds fly past (headed west) while I
was watching the Cave Swallows. As far as I can tell, they didn't stop and I
couldn't relocte them anywhere to the west on the island.

There were quite a few birds around this morning, with other notables being
Northern Shrike and Orange-crowned Warbler.

Good birding,

Gavin Platt,
Toronto, ON

The Islands are accessible only by ferry. The ferry terminal is at Bay &
Queen's Quay (9 Queen's Quay West). During the winter, ferries only run to
Ward's Island (very eastern end). Ferry schedules are available at the
following link:

The Rectory Cafe is located on Ward's Island. Turn right (west) from the
ferry terminal and follow the road (Cibola Ave) for a short distance until
you see the Cafe on your left (south).

The Island Water Treatment Plant is located near Gibraltar Point at the
eastern end of the islands. Continue on the main road, which eventually
becomes Lakeshore Ave, east and you will eventually see the Water Treatment
Plant on your right (it's very obvious). The Gibraltar Point Centre for the
Arts is across the road from the Treatment Plant to the south.
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to ONTBIRDS mailing list ONTBIRDS@hwcn.org
For information about ONTBIRDS visit http://www.ofo.ca/

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