Seven species of diurnal raptors totaling 25 individuals were seen today
between 8 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. under clear blue skies and very light north
winds switching to south around 11:00 a.m.

Osprey: 1 (very late)

Bald Eagle: 1 juvenile

Northern Harrier: 1 juvenile

Sharp-shinned Hawk: 5

Northern Goshawk: 2 very low juveniles

Red-tailed Hawk: 11

Rough-legged Hawk: 3 (2 dark morph, 1 light morph)

Unidentified Falcon: 1

Total species 7, total individuals 25

Official Counter: Jean Iron

Observers: Charlie Adey, Jerry Ball, Karl Jennewein, Dan Kaczynski, Paul
McGee, Jim Skene, John Stirrat.

Other birds: 6 White-winged Crossbills briefly checked white spruce on
Halls Road at 8:00 a.m., 1 Belted Kingfisher, 1 Wilson's Snipe, Rusty
Blackbird, 3 Fox Sparrows, 5 Snow Geese (4 white morph and 1 blue
morph), 2 American Coots, 1 Wood Duck, 4 Cackling Geese at Lynde Creek
(Dan Kaczynbski
and Karl Jennewein), 2 Great Black-backed Gulls - an uncommon sight now
that its population has been adversely affected by botulism carried by
the invasive Round Goby fish.

Directions to Cranberry Marsh: Exit Highway 401 at Brock St. in Whitby
Brock Rd. in Pickering), go south on Brock to Victoria St. Go west on
Victoria to Halls Road. Go south on Halls Road to the second short
going east to the Cranberry Marsh Lookout.

Directions to Lynde Shores: Enter off south side Victoria Street about
metres east of Halls Road.

Hawkwatching guide with migration times for each species.

Jean Iron
Toronto ON

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birding organization.
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