DRHW- Lake Erie Metropark
Brownstown, Michigan, USA
Daily Raptor Counts: Nov 01, 2010

Species            Day's Count    Month Total   Season Total
------------------ ----------- -------------- --------------
Black Vulture                0              0              0
Turkey Vulture            1140           1140         120635
Osprey                       0              0             63
Bald Eagle                   0              0            198
Northern Harrier            17             17            423
Sharp-shinned Hawk          18             18           6473
Cooper's Hawk                2              2            744
Northern Goshawk             0              0              8
Red-shouldered Hawk        108            108            385
Broad-winged Hawk            0              0          79572
Red-tailed Hawk            468            468           1797
Rough-legged Hawk            3              3              3
Golden Eagle                 8              8             26
American Kestrel             1              1            674
Merlin                       1              1             49
Peregrine Falcon             0              0             37
Unknown Accipiter            0              0              0
Unknown Buteo                0              0              0
Unknown Falcon               0              0              0
Unknown Eagle                0              0              0
Unknown Raptor               0              0             17
Prairie Falcon               0              0              3
Swainson's Hawk              0              0              5

Total:                    1766           1766         211112

Observation start time: 09:00:00 
Observation end   time: 16:00:00 
Total observation time: 7 hours

Official Counter:        Rob Payne

Observers:        Mark Wloch, Patrick Mulawa, Rick Nirschl, Rodney Laura

As predicted it was colder and sunnier. Temperatures topped off at 47f, but
started off at 36f. Winds were mostly from the south east at about 5mph, no
major gusts of note this time. It may have been cold but it was a good day
for hawk migration. 

Raptor Observations:
An amazing day for for Buteo and Vulture migration. Red-tailed Hawks came
through at their highest of the season with 468 for the day. Between 4pm
and 5pm (EDST) we tallied 218. We also had 108 Red-shouldered Hawks, as
well as our first Rough-legged Hawks of the season with 3 spread throughout
the day. An impressive 8 Golden Eagles were seen today with a high of 5
between 4pm and 5pm. As far as Turkey Vultures go, 1,140 were counted in
groups of hundreds streaming throughout the day. Not as many TVs as
yesterday, but more than expected. 

A total of 1,766 raptors were counted of 10 species. 

Non-raptor Observations:

Tomorrow should be a continuation of today's fantastic weather. It will be
cold for us humans, but for raptor migration it's exactly what we want. 
Report submitted by Greg Norwood (greg_norw...@fws.gov)
SMRR- Lake Erie Metropark information may be found at:

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