Merry Chirstmas to All
On Monday Dec 27th the 60th Carleton Place CBC took place.  There were nearly 
40 field observers which was up from the typical 25 to 30.
It was a sunny and cold day with a strong  "Winnie the Pooh" north wind.  
Despite this we had an excellent year.  The preliminary count is 5453 birds and 
44 species.  Once the feeder counts are in it is likley there will be roughly 
6500 birds.
The points to note are:
Goshawks 3
Bald Eagle 1 (beautiful adult male)
Peregrine 1 
Ducks were low in numbers but 2 Black Ducks and a Greater Scaup were uncommon 
Bohemian Waxwings - 1015
Goldfinch - 399
Redpolls - 219
In general finches were low in number
Ravens -23 - while not a record, it was one of our higest years
Tree Sparrows 75
Black-capped Chickadees 929
Crows 522
Blues jays were way down at 114 and Starlings were way down
Thanks to all of the observers both in the field and at feeders who made this a 
great count day.  Thanks to Georgina and Susan for their roles in making it 
Happy New Year to All
Iain Wilkes CO DSBC(NC)                                           
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
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