I spent the day snowshoing and birding in Algonquin Park today.  It was 
relatively warm (around 0 degrees) and calm, so it was nice to be out, although 
it was quiet for birds.  Highlights included:
BLACK-BACKED WOODPECKER - Mizzy Lake Trail, first sighting was a female along 
the trail at the eastern edge of Wolf Howl Pond, the second was of another (or 
the same?) female seen along the trail at the southern edge of West Rose Lake.  
Both birds were quietly tapping and debarking black spruces.
PINE GROSBEAK - Mew Lake Campground, coming to a pile of seed that someone had 
left on the ground where the road from the kiosk comes down to the lake and 
turns towards the campground, two female-plumaged birds
BOREAL CHICKADEE - Spruce Bog Trail, heard calling in the spruces along the 
trail around the register box.
DIRECTIONS:  Algonquin Park is located in central Ontario on Highway 60 between 
Whitney and Huntsville.  From the western gate of the park, Mizzy Lake Trail is 
at km 15.4 and Wolf Howl Pond and West Rose Lake are located along the 
northeastern part of the trail loop, where it passes along the old railway bed 
(also accessible by driving about 3.5 km down Arowhon Rd. to the intersection 
with the railbed and walking in that way), Mew Lake Campground is at km 30.8, 
and the Spruce Bog Boardwalk is at km 42.5.
David Britton
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
For information about ONTBIRDS visit http://www.ofo.ca/

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