Greetings from the sunny, but cold southern Ontario!

I was first alerted to the presence of a Northern Shrike hanging around 
the Visitor Centre parking lot on Monday by local birder, Brad Ouellette. 
I kept my eyes peeled while entering the parking lot, but didn't see 
anything.  However, later Monday afternoon, the shrike blasted past my 
office window in hot pursuit of a sparrow (a new species for my office 
list).  I saw the bird once more on Monday and didn't see it at all 
yesterday, so I figured it had moved on.  I was pleasantly surprised this 
morning when I found it again while driving into the parking lot.  It 
seems to be favouring the area around the same gravel overflow parking lot 
to the west of the Visitor Centre, but have seen it in the smaller trees 
along the edge of the main parking lot.  A nice Pelee birder. 

There is also a Red-shouldered Hawk hanging around the park.  I saw it 
last week flying low right in front of the Visitor Centre and regularly 
see it between the Visitor Centre and DeLaurier.  We had a successful Owl 
Prowl program last week, with more than eight Screech-owls calling back 
each night and Great Horned Owls on both evenings as well.  I'm still 
hearing reports of Long-eared Owls roosting in spruce trees on E 
Concession just north of the park.

Looking forward to spring!
Good Birding Everyone!

ps - the 25% off Annual Pass Sale is on now, until March 31st.  Get your 
annual pass renewed now and save!  Call 519-322-2365 for more information

Sarah Rupert
Sr. Park Interpreter, Interpretation Coordinator
Interprète de parc principale, Coordinatrice d'interprétation
Point Pelee National Park/Parc  national de la Pointe-Pelée
Parks Canada/Parcs Canada

519.322.5700 ext/poste 223
519.322.1678 (fax/téléc)
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to
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