Marsh Monitoring Program Survey Contractor(s) Needed

Bird Studies Canada seeks one or more qualified individuals to conduct bird and 
amphibian (frog and toad) surveys in Canadian Great Lakes coastal wetlands 
within any of the following regions: eastern Lake Ontario, western Lake 
Ontario, St. Clair River/Lake St. Clair/Detroit River, central Lake Huron/Bruce 
Peninsula, southern Georgian Bay.

This contract is for approximately 80 hours of work between March 29, 2011 and 
July 15, 2011. Work tasks include attending a 1-day protocol training meeting 
at Bird Studies Canada HQ (travel expenses covered), locating/establishing  and 
georeferencing survey stations using GPS, conducting amphibian and wetland bird 
surveys where required, and uploading data to an online database. Surveys will 
occur at approximately five distinct wetland sites within any of the above 

Bird surveys will occur during early morning and/or evening hours; amphibian 
surveys will occur following sunset. Boat/canoe access may be required for 
certain wetlands, while others may be accessed on foot. Survey materials (e.g., 
survey forms, bird call broadcast CD, protocol instruction manuals) will be 
provided. Participation with a partner/assistant is strongly recommended. 
Eligible candidates must be able to identify wetland bird species by sight and 
sound, and be able to identify frog and toad species by sound; must be 
comfortable walking near or around wetland habitats; must have access to, and 
skills required to use, personal watercraft (e.g., canoe, kayak); must provide 
own binoculars; and must be available to conduct surveys when date and 
weather/temperature conditions are appropriate. Some monetary reimbursement for 
mileage and travel time will be provided.

For other payment details and additional information, please contact Ryan 
Archer, Aquatic Survey Programs Coordinator, Bird Studies Canada at 
1-888-448-2473 ext. 168 (toll-free) or

Kathy Jones
Ontario Volunteer Coordinator

(Canadian Lakes Loon Survey)

Bird Studies Canada
P.O. Box 160, Port Rowan ON   N0E 1M0
Toll Free: 1-888-448-2473 ext. 124  Fax: 1-519-586-3532

Web Page:

Understand  Appreciate  Conserve

See Avian Conservation and Ecology for a special 
features on Aerial Insectivores

>From time to time, BSC may send you information regarding our programs, 
>special issues, membership, and other correspondence. If you would prefer not 
>to receive this information, please contact us by mail at the address above or 
>e-mail Thank you.
Au cours de l'année, Études d'Oiseaux Canada envoie de la documentation 
concernant ses programmes, ses activités ou autres. Si vous désirez ne pas 
recevoir cette information, faites-nous parvenir un message par la poste ou par 
courrier électronique à

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to
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