Post script to yesterday's York region report: 

Bruce Brydon checked the north end of Bathurst Street this morning and noted 
the arrival of Tundra Swans and many more ducks in the flooded fields.  When I 
drove over at noon I counted the following: TUNDRA SWAN (23), N. PINTAIL 
(6).  These numbers change on a regular basis due to the many comings and 
of waterfowl in these fields west of Bathurst.  A local helicopter business 
and low-flying Northern Harriers (now back on territory) tend to stir things up.

On the off chance that any reader of this post should choose to check this area 
out, please note that Bathurst Street comes to a dead end about 6 kms north of 
Hwy. 9/Davis Drive.  To access the northern section of Bathurst that is 
described above you have to jog east to Yonge Street (typically via Green Lane) 
and follow that main thoroughfare out of Newmarket.  You then have to go past 
the first turn-off for Holland Landing (stoplights and motel), then follow the 
long decline that goes northwest toward Bradford.  At the next set of lights 
turn right and an immediate left, which puts you onto the last stretch of 
Bathurst.  Follow it over the RR tracks and "straight on til morning", almost 
to the road's very unpopulated end.  You can't miss the huge flooded fields on 
the west side.

A WORD OF ADVICE: If you choose to try driving Hochreiter Road (which runs west 
from Bathurst), think twice before you do as it would be VERY easy to get stuck 
on that gnarly little laneway currently covered with mud and snow.  I drove it 
today in my van but would not recommend it - Hochreiter offers better views of 
the birds, yes, but driving it is (at this time anyway) a dicey proposition.  
would take a good while for a tow truck to get to you.  If you're up to a long 
walk, sling your scope onto your shoulder and traipse down the road by foot.

Ron Fleming, Newmarket 
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
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