This morning, at 722, there was a Great Egret at the north end of Van
Wagners Beach. In all likelihood, this is the same bird that Kevin
McLaughlin reported to Hamilton Birders yesterday; he saw it there at
830 Saturday morning. I was also at the High Level Bridge, in Hamilton,
with Peter Scholtens and his son, this morning before sunrise....looking
for Kevin's egret at the two known autumn roosts that are visible from
the Bridge ---one at Hickory Island (to the west) and the other at
Carroll's Point; (to the east)  - there were no egrets there. This
suggest that the egret may have roosted in...or near...Van Wagners Pond.
This would either be an unusual behaviour (roosting solitarily in a
marsh) or at the very least a new roosting site for the Hamilton area. I
would like to ask if any birders see this egret towards dusk this
evening, please stay around and watch it to see what it does as it gets
dark. Does it stay in the pond or does it fly off somewhere?  That's
quite a simply...but important question re spring roosting behaviour of
Great Egrets. I'll try to be there myself.



Directions: From Toronto, take the QEW towards Niagara, as you approach
the Skyway Bridge, take Eastport Drive...stay on it over the Lift Bridge
and along the Bay on your right. Turn left onto Beach Blvd (there is a
sign), go right at the next set of lights (Van Wagners Beach Road) and
go down that road until you come to a marshy area on your right. The
egret was right there along the roadside at the  beginning of the marshy

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