I spent two hours in mid to late afternoon birding Rattray and surrounding 
woodland trails.  There was a Red-throated Loon in full breeding plumage about 
200 feet off shore with about a dozen Red-necked Grebes.  It spent a lot of 
time diving.  Also I saw 2 Fox Sparrows, 6 Chipping Sparrows and about dozen 
American Tree Sparrows, the latter feeing in the dead bulrushes on Turtle Creek 
(which separates Rattray Marsh C.A. from Jack Darling Park). One White-throated 
Sparrow. I also found two Yellow-rumped and one PIne Warbler.  There were Brown 
Creepers and Golden-crowned Kinglets well-distributed through the woods.  Lots 
of woodpeckers with Northern Flicker and Down Woodpecker the most common, with 
3 Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers and lots of evidence of fresh Pileated Woodpecker 
work.  There was one Great Egret (with no makers) feeding in marsh.  The 
mudflats are about the best I have ever seen them in spring shorebird ... 2 
Killdeer were on the mudflats.  Ducks: Mallards and 7 Green-winged Teal.  Both 
Winter and Caroline Wrens (one each).  No Hermit Thrush!

Directions: Park at the south of Bexhill Drive which runs south of Lakeshore 
Boulevard West between the MIssissauga Road and Erin Mills Parkway (exits off 
the QEW).  The marsh is located just down the hill from parking area.

Wayne Renaud (289-828-0043)

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
For information about ONTBIRDS visit http://www.ofo.ca/

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