Today Ian Cannell, Margaret Liubavicius, Jay Peterson and I went up to the 
Carden Alvar north of Kirkfield to try and hear the reported Yellow Rail but 
alas and yes alack we did not hear it though we tried hard twice during the 
morning, but following are some of the nice birds we did find along some of the 
roads up there.

Common Loon, Pied-billed Grebe, American Bitterns, Great Blue Herons (on 
nests), Wood Ducks, Blue-winged Teal, Ring-necked Ducks, Hooded and Common 
Mergansers, Turkey Vultures, Bald Eagle (on nest), Northern Harriers, Ruffed 
Grouse (2 on roads), Wild Turkeys, Virginia Rails, Soras, Common Moorhens, 
Sandhill Cranes (6), Upland Sandpipers, Wilson’s Snipes, (many), American 
Woodcock, Caspian Tern, Belted Kingfishers, Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, Northern 
Flickers, Pileated Woodpeckers - 4 adults, maybe 5 (and at least 2 chicks being 
fed at a nest hole), Eastern Phoebes, Common Ravens, House, Winter and Marsh 
Wrens, Eastern Bluebirds, Brown Thrashers, Loggerhead Shrikes (8 at 4 locations 
including the pair west of Bluebird box #10 on Wylie Road), Northern 
Waterthrush (6), Eastern Towhees, American Tree, Chipping, Field, Vesper, 
Savannah and Grasshopper Sparrows, Eastern Meadowlarks (many), Purple Finches, 
and Pine Siskins.

We also saw 5 Porcupines, Deer, Muskrats and Beavers.

A cool drizzly day but well worth the trip even without the Yellow Rail

Note:- Most of the dirt roads we travelled Have many pot holes but they are all 
passable and we did see a grader working on McNamee Road and there is lots of 
water in many of the fields and wood lots along the roads.

Rockview Road south of the road into the dump had much household garbage dumped 
in the ditches and forest edge, a shame to see.

Norm Murr
Richmond Hill, Ontario


  Wylie Road is north of Kirkfield in Victoria County and Kirkfield itself is 
on County Road 48 east of Highway 12 and well north of Whitby and about 130 km 
from Toronto if you follow the roads and not a Crow.

From the centre of Kirkfield go north on County Road 6 passing under the Lift 
Lock on the Trent Canal and drive about 2 ½ km further north to where the road 
curves left or west. On this curve and on your right is McNamee Road, turn 
right here onto McNamee and drive east for about 300 yards and you will be at 
Wylie Road. This road is about 9 ½ km long ending at Alvar Road (a T 
intersection). Birding can be good on Alvar Road as well, either way.

The Sedge Wren Marsh is about 5 ½ km up Wylie Road, you can’t miss it as it has 
the only bridge along the road. Park just to the south of and overlooking the 
bridge and walk the road. Birding is good all along the road and I find that 
the best birding happens when you park and walk both ways a km or two from your 
This is a narrow road with little traffic but be sure to park in such a way as 
to not block the road or at the gravelled parking areas that you will find at 
several places along the road as you don’t want to rile up the locals. This is 
all private property but there really is no need to leave the road, nor should 
you. Please respect the property rights of the land owners.

Other roads to check in the area are Shrike, Curl’s, Dalrymple, Eldon Station,  
Rockview, Doyle, Palestine, Creek View, and McNamee Road, etc.


Down Rockview Road just west of Kirkfield on your right along County Road 48. 
Past the dump road (on your right) you will come to a wet wood lot that 
straddles the road. This is a great place for N. Waterthrush. We heard and saw 
7 there on May 5/01 and May 4/02. We continue to find the N. Waterthrushes 
here. Also along here you should find Upland Sandpiper and Grasshopper Sparrow.

Prospect Road Marsh

Continue south on Rockview Road to Eldon Station Road (the next road) turn 
right (west) and drive to Prospect Rd. Turn right (north) and drive up to a 
large marsh. Here you could find many Marsh Wrens along with Sora, Virginia 
Rail, Common Moorhen,  American Bittern, Least Bittern and Green Heron and 
watch for Osprey, Northern Harrier and Turkey Vulture. If you continue north on 
this road you will come upon another small marsh and pond just short of County 
Road 48. Of coarse most of the roads in this and the Wylie Road area can be 
very productive and it is not a stretch saying you could spend a whole day in 
the area, I have and do.

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
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