Five good hours this morning (7:00 am to noon) of good bird on a glorious 
wind-free morning yielded a good cross section warblers and other spring 
migrants.   19 warbler species: Tennessee: 10; Nashville: 16; Orange-crowned: 
1; Northern Parula: 5; Yellow: 10; Chestnut-sided: 15; Magonilia: 5 (all 
males); Cape May: 2; Blackburnian: 3; Black-throated Blue: 22; Black-throated 
Green: 3; Yellow-rumped: 25; Palm: 2; Blackpoll: 1; Black-and-white: 4; 
American Redstart: 10; Common Yellowthroat: 3; Ovenbird: 2; Canada Warbler: 1. 
Bruce Wilkinson told he had the Blackpoll in the same area (the woody and 
scrubby are along the east edge of the sports field) yesterday. Other notable 
records: 1 Ruby-throated Hummingbirds; 2 Linocoln's Sparrows; 1 Philadelphia 
Vireo; 1 Wood Thrush; equal numbers of White-throated and White-crowned 
Sparrows (about 25 each). The first hour was fairly quite but when the sun came 
out by 8:30 am all areas had evenly lots of bird activity. I manage to pick two 
Bay-breasted Warblers at West Deane Park on my way up the campus.

Suggesting parking on 13 Street south of Lakeshore Boulevard south and the take 
the path which cuts into east park of campus (and the small and large 'bowl').  

Wayne Renaud (289-828-0043)

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
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