I went to the Embrun sewage lagoons this morning (8:45-9:45AM) and was delighted to find a beautiful female WILSON'S PHALAROPE on one of the cells. Other shorebirds included ~48 LEAST and 7 SPOTTED SANDPIPERS, as well as both LESSER and GREATER YELLOWLEGS. NORTHERN PINTAIL, NORTHERN SHOVELER, RING-NECKED DUCK, BUFFLEHEAD, GREEN-WINGED TEAL, LESSER SCAUP, and WOOD DUCK were represented in waterfowl. I'd recommend bringing a mosquito net to anyone venturing out that way: there are A LOT of swarming insects around the lagoons, and while they don't bite, they do tend to form clouds around you as you walk.
Good birding! Pat DIRECTIONS: Take exit 79 on Highway 417, turning right or south onto Limoges Road. Follow for almost 4km, turning right onto Route 400. The lagoons are on your right about 1.5km down. _______________________________________________ ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial birding organization. Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca For information about ONTBIRDS visit http://www.ofo.ca/