Large fall-out this foggy morning and huge chorus to help ID birds. There are 
dozens of warblers and fortunately many are low but leave your camera at home.
Creek: 1 Blue-winged   1 Mourning   1 Wilson's   1 Yellow-thr Vireo   2 Cape 
May   1 Blackpoll   3 Blackburn.   2 Chestnut-s    1 Bay-br   1 N. Waterthrush  
2 Yellow  1 Ovenbird  3 Tennesee  2 Nashville   1 Swainson's Thr.  1 Wood thr.  
S . Edge of Soccer Pitch:  8 Bobolink (2 fem.) - in chorus the whole morning    
 1 m. Scarlet T.
"DogPatch":  1 Parula  1 B&W   2 Bl-thr Gr.  2 Chestnut-s.  1Magnolia   2 Palm
many Yellow -rumps
Also:    Red-eyed, Warbling Vireos    Rose-br grosbeaks    flocks of White-cr 
Sparrows  3 Dunlin reported on Beach

As the fog clears many more will be had.
Marc Lichtenberg
SAM SMITH PARK is at the foot of Kipling Av. Etobicoke                          
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
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