This morning, light drizzle and fog, I spent about two hours hiking through 
dirt trails along a small creek along a green way and adjacent Hampshire 
Crescent with amazing results.   22 species of warbler: Blue-winged Warbler: 1 
male; Connecticut Warbler: 1 male + 1 female; Mourning Warbler: 2 males; Hooded 
Warbler: 1 female; Tennessee Warbler: 5; Orange-crowned Warbler: 1; Canada 
Warbler: 8; Bay-breasted Warbler: 5: Ovenbird: 3; Cape May Warbler: 5; 
Nashville Warbler: 13; Blackburnian Warbler: 5; Common Yellowthroat: 1; 
Black-and-white Warbler: 1; Yellow-rumped Warbler: 17; American Redstart: 12; 
Chestnut-sided Warbler: 18; Yellow-warbler: 1; Northern Parula: 5; Palm 
Warbler: 3; Northern Waterthrush: 2; Ovenbird: 3.  Other good records: Scarlet 
Tanager: 7; White-eyed Vireo: 5: Philadelphia Vireo: 3: Alder Flycatcher: 1; 
Eastern Wood-Peewee: 1; Swainson's Thrush: 60; Gray-cheeked Thrush: 3;  Veery: 
1; Wood Thrush: 1; White-crowned Sparrow: 35  Black-billed Cuckoo: 2; 
Ruby-throated Hummingbird: 1.

Location: the crescent is located two blocks south of intersection of 
Hurontario Street and the QEW.  You can access the creek through yard of 
Jennifer Whitlam at 1556 Hampshire Crescent who is good friend of mine, please 
knock on door first to let her know why you are there.  

Wayne Renaud (289-828-0043)

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
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