Hello Ontbirders.
The Yellow-throated Warbler put in a brief appearance at the Rondeau Visitor
Centre between 8:35 and 8:50 am this morning.  A Kentucky Warbler was seen
on Spicebush Trail at 9:30 am (on the side of the trail nearer the road,
about halfway down).

Our rainy morning warbler total was 21 species.  Highlights included
Golden-winged on Tulip Tree Trail; Northern Parula on Spicebush; Wilson's on
Bennett Road and Spicebush Trail; and Canada on Spicebush and Tulip Tree
Trails.  The best locations for warblers were Spicebush Trail and Bennett

As for other songbirds, Yellow-bellied Flycatcher was observed at the
Visitor Centre, Scarlet Tanager on Tulip Tree Trail, a late Rusty Blackbird
on an unspecified trail, and a Gray-cheeked Thrush on Tulip Tree Trail.
Thrushes are moving through in good numbers.

Rather a surprise was the Solitary Sandpiper that stopped off in a wooded
slough on Bennett Road.  A Wild Turkey trotted across the road just west of
the Visitor Centre.

I would like to thank all of the birders who have taken the time to report
their sightings to us, helping to make these Ontbirds reports as
comprehensive as possible!


Rondeau Provincial Park welcomes birders!  We have morning coffee and snacks
waiting for early birders.  Our Bird Hikes and Birders' Breakfast start
Thursday May 5 and go through to Victoria Day.  I will lead a guided hike
twice daily from Thursday May 5 to Monday May 23, inclusive (fee $5), as

Saturday, Sunday, Monday and Thursday at 7:30 am and 1:00 pm Tuesday and
Friday at 7:30 am and 7:00 pm; as well as Wednesday at 7:30 am.

All of the 7:30 am and 1:00 pm hikes listed above will meet at the Visitor
Centre.  The 7:00 pm hikes will meet at the entrance to the Marsh Trail.  A
second hike on Wednesday at 1:00 pm will meet at the Blenheim Sewage

The Friends of Rondeau will provide a Birders' Breakfast/Lunch for a small
donation (coffee, tea, bagels, soups and treats) daily from 7:00 am to 2:00
pm at the Visitor Centre.
Good Birding!

Steve LaForest
Friends of Rondeau Bird Guide
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
For information about ONTBIRDS visit http://www.ofo.ca/

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