Dear Ontbirders,

I was driving @ approximately 100km/h (I know that claim may adversely
affect the credibility of this sighting, but note the "approximately"
qualifier.) northbound on Highway 400 at 3:15PM Wednesday May 18th, 2011 and
observed a bird flying on a steep, quick descent from a point 50 to 75m
above the highway in front of me and slightly away from me into the tall
deciduous tree woodlot (Poplars/Aspen?) on the E side of the 400, S of King
Road at approximately GPS coordinates 17T 615345mE 4863018mN (Google Earth),
at the creek, (or perhaps woodlot just north of there at 17T 615320mE
4863217mN).  I estimate the bird was 12 to 15" long with the tail being
approximately 1.5 times the length of the body.  The flight was reminiscent
of a Shrike or Mockingbird, with 2 or 3 pumps, except the overall path was
very steep and fast.  The tail appeared to be dark, slender with a slight
flare at the tip and the head was light, but the view was too fleeting for
me to note any clear detail beyond general size and proportions.  My view
was essentially a lateral view towards dorsal slightly.  I can state
confidently that it was a bird I have never seen before, but I did not
observe enough detail to identify it.  I suspect it was a Scissor-tailed
Flycatcher, but unless someone gets a positive ID, it will remain a cool
bird with a very long tail.

Isn't birding fun?


Chris Evans - Midhurst
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
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