Most local birders quit chasing migrants last weekend so we have to be content 
with Breeding Bird Surveys and observing those birds that want to hang around 
for the summer. Some of these include another Prairie Warbler north of Sydenham 
at the Helen Quilliam Sanctuary, seen last Friday, Alder and Willow Flycatchers 
on Amherst Island and in the Newburgh area, Upland Sandpipers on Wolfe, Amherst 
and Simcoe Islands as well as in the Loggerhead Shrike areas northeast of 
Napanee. Simcoe Island also had 10 N. Harriers on Wednesday.
The last of the shorebirds moving north included a Greater Yellowlegs, 6 
Dunlin, 10 Semipalmated Sandpipers, 2 Black-bellied and 2 Semipalmated Plovers 
on Amherst last Sunday, another Greater Yellowlegs on Simcoe on Wednesday and a 
White-rumped Sandpiper south of Napanee yesterday. Also on Amherst, 3 Brant and 
2 Common Goldeneye lingered at least until Sunday.
"Good birds" for the week were a N. Mockingbird on Amherst, a Sandhill Crane 
flying over the Florida Road; both reported on Sunday and a Marbled Godwit and 
a one-day-wonder Say's Phoebe on Amherst Island last Friday.
The Kingston Field Naturalists are doing their annual Bioblitz at the Lost Bay 
Nature Reserve northeast of Gananoque today and tomorrow. For details see the 
KFN website.
This will conclude my regular reports from Kingston until the fall (actually 
mid-summer) migration starts.
Peter Good 
Kingston Field Naturalists
613 378-6605                                      
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
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