We were very pleasantly surprised to have a Black Billed Cuckoo spend over an 
hour in my backyard yesterday afternoon.  It spent most of the time near the 
top of our hundred plus year old Black Walnuts and Maples along the edge of the 
property.  He must of thought we were nuts because he spent the whole time 
calling Cuckoo, Cuckoo, Cuckoo, Cuckoo.  Pictures aren't too bad given that 
they were taken from 30 to 40 ft below the bird.

We live 2.5 Km west of Townsend on Stone Quarry Road or Concession 13 RR#4 

Richard Hardman
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
For information about ONTBIRDS visit http://www.ofo.ca/

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