It has been a good week for fall migrants. Bald Eagles, both adults and 
immatures, appeared at four different locations this week. A Peregrine Falcon 
was on Amherst Island last Friday and Saturday. There has also been a good 
movement of warblers and vireos on a few of the days this week. Highlights 
included Philadelphia Vireos at Bedford Mills and Elginburg on the 4th and the 
7th respectively, a Canada Warbler at Elginburg on the 3rd and 2 Connecticut 
Warblers, one out Montreal St. on the 3rd and the other at Elginburg on the 5th.
Incidental observations include a Chimney Swift on Queen St. on Wednesday, two 
Whip-poor-wills and a pair of Barred Owls calling at Bedford Mills, and a Great 
Horned Owl hooting near Camden East last night.
Shorebird sightings have been terrific. The Long-billed Dowitcher is still at 
the lagoons as was a Whimbrel last Thursday. There were two more Whimbel at the 
Kingston airport on Friday. The bar on Amherst has been very productive; last 
Friday a Hudsonian Godwit, a Willet, 2 Ruddy Turstones, a Red Knot and 8 
Sanderling and then yesterday; a Stilt, a half dozen White-rumped along with a 
few Least and Semipalmated Sandpipers as well as 5 Short-billed Dowitchers , 7 
Sanderling, a Black-bellied Plover, 3 Greater Yellowlegs and at least two dozen 
Semipalmated Plover.
Peter Good 
Kingston Field Naturalists
613 378-6605                                      
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
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