It was great to have many birders and photogs from Kawartha at
Cranberry Marsh Raptor Watch on this Sep.15 day that had medium NW
winds, a rising BP and thermals of 400ft./min., all being condusive to
a good flight of migratory raptor over the platform.
Sure enough we kept Alan Woods busy counting over 700 hawks over a
period of 5 hours. Highlights were 2 NORTHERN GOSHAWKS, 11 BALD EAGLES
and over 500 BROAD-WINGEDS

Up to the time that I left we had 49 Turkey Vultures, 74
Sharp-shinneds and 56 American Kestrels.

Non-raptors included 5 warbler species, GLOSSY IBIS, several great
egrets, wood ducks, many hummingbirds, wood ducks, 15 common loons,
common gallinule.

1 block east of Lakeridge Rd. off Victoria St. in sw Whitby is Hall's
Rd.--south toward the lake to the second roadside parking area--walk
to the platform.

Doug Lockrey, Whitby, ON

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
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