Thanks to some Quebec birders I saw the Razorbill today at 12 noon from the 
Quebec side of the Ottawa River. The bird was visible from a viewpoint accessed 
by a trail from a small parking lot for the Voyageurs pathway, along Boulevard 
de Lucerne (or Lower Aylmer Road). This parking lot is the first pulloff east 
of Chemin Vanier. The bird was distant and appeared to be on the Ontario side 
of the river, about halfway between the Kitchissippi and Deschenes Rapids 

Deschenes Lookout is located at the western end of the Ottawa River Parkway and 
Kitchissippi Lookout is the next accessible viewpoint to the east. For the 
Quebec location take the Champlain Bridge north and turn west on Boulevard de 

Tom Hanrahan
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
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