Hello Ontbirders
Despite today's wet weather, we had an excellent weekend
birding the Hwy. 60 corridor of Algonquin Park.
Here are the highlights from Saturday:
3 male Spruce Grouse -  1 along Arowhon Road, and two along the Railway Bed, 
east of Arowhon.
1 male Black-backed Woodpecker along the Railway Bed, east
of Arowhon.
3 Boreal Chickadees in a flock of several Black-capped
Chickadees near the chain over the Railway Bed, east of Arowhon.
1 Northern Shrike in the swamp at Wolf Howl Pond.
12 Red Crossbills along Hwy 60, at KM 41.
5 Gray Jays were highly visible along the Railway Bed, east
of Arowhon, plus 2 more along Opeongo Lake Road and 1 at the East Gate.
Several finches kept flying high overhead throughout the
day. Most were Common Redpoll, including a flock of about 40. 
Others include several individual White-winged Crossbills,
and two Pine Siskin
A Pine Martin at the Visitor's Centre Bird Feeder was a
Highlights on Sunday included:
2 Ruffed Grouse, one at the Visitor's Centre Bird Feeder and
another along Opeongo Lake Road.
1 Boreal Chickadee along the Spruce Bog Boardwalk.
1 Northern Shrike along Opeongo Lake Road.
Gray Jays were encountered along the Spruce Bog Boardwalk
and the Logging Museum Trail. 
6 River Otter in the pond of the Logging Museum Trail was
another bonus.

Happy Birding
Nina Stavlund

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
For information about ONTBIRDS visit http://www.ofo.ca/

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