Apologies for the additional Niagara River posting. My darling girlfriend Jenn and I had some additional birds of note today along the river, beyond the previously reported Razorbill, AW Pelican etc.
Black Vulture - 5 birds seen circling over NY between Adam Beck and the Queenston Docks mid morning. Franklin's Gull - the first basic appeared mid morning (feeding) at Adam Beck Pomarine Jaeger - spotted by Bob Stamp et al. while we were at Adam Beck. The bird provided good and unique views (from above) while it harassed birds near the power plants. It was an intermediate juvenile. California Gull - an adult above the falls (control gates) sitting on the far side of the river (in NY). -- this bird has been reported previously on the New York (Genesee) list. Glaucous Gull - a 2nd basic bird sitting above the falls. We struck out on yesterdays Black-legged Kittiwake, giving us 11 gull species for the day. Good Birding! Brandon Holden www.PeregrinePrints.com Directions: the only directions of use I can give is our location when viewing the Black Vultures. We stopped on Niagara Parkway near the top of the escarpment, (north of Adam Beck, south of Queenston Docks) - at the "scenic overlook" which gives a great view of New York and downriver. The Black Vultures were spotted with a scope, and we watched as they slowly drifted east and further into NY (unfortunately not with the 20+ Turkey Vultures which wandered into Ontario). _______________________________________________ ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial birding organization. Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca For information about ONTBIRDS visit http://www.ofo.ca/