Tundra Swan
American Wigeon
Red-throated Loon
Common Loon
Pied-billed Grebe
Horned Grebe
Red-necked Grebe
Northern Goshawk
Bonaparte's Gull
Northern Shrike
Common Raven
Eastern Bluebird
Yellow-rumped Warbler
Lapland Longspur
Eastern Meadowlark
Brown-headed Cowbird
White-winged Crossbill

For such a warm November, it's been a little bit of a slow start to the
winter listing season but this weekend should bring out the birders who are
winter listers and the list will grow.  I have great expectations for next
week's report!

The biggest star of the week is a NORTHERN PARULA found last Monday and well
seen today at Bronte Bluffs in the little parkette near Sovereign House.
This bright little bird is well worth the trip to see and is a refreshing
sight as its colours are outstanding.  This little gem was found by a group
of ladies who bird each Monday and who have found Ross Geese, Blue-gray
Gnatcatcher and now this in the last three weeks.  Hats off to them for
getting out and turning these birds up.

Seen from LaSalle marina today out on the bay were Tundra Swan, Red-throated
and Common Loon and Horned Grebe.  These are all good birds to get before
the water freezes up.

Winter finches seem a bit scarce at the moment but perhaps the start of snow
up north will drive them in.  White-winged Crossbills seem to be on the move
again with a large group seen in West Hamilton last weekend.  Crossbills
were also present at Bronte Bluffs while in pursuit of the Northern Parula
and heard over south Burlington in the Walker's Line and New Street area.

In the odds and sods this week, American Wigeon was seen at Chancery Lane
Promenade in Oakville.  Red-necked Grebes are present at Bronte Harbour.  A
Pied-billed Grebe is back at the Desjardins Canal.  A late Osprey was seen
over Deer Run Court in Brantford last Saturday.  A Northern Goshawk made an
appearance through the Tuck Creek ravine in South Burlington.  Bonaparte's
Gulls along with a few Red-throated Loons were seen on east winds at
VanWagners Beach early in the week.  Northern Shrike was reported from
Powerline Road west of 5th Road East up in Saltfleet and from Fallsview Road
again up in Rock Chapel.  A Common Raven was seen today at 5th Concession
West and Brock Road.  Eastern Bluebirds were seen in the town of York
mid-week.  A Yellow-rumped Warbler was present at Saddington Park in
Mississauga.  A Lapland Longspur was a great flyover early this morning at
Sherwood Forest Park in Burlington.  Eastern Meadowlark was reported on
December 1st from the McNally Pit in North Halton.  A Brown-headed Cowbird
was seen at 8th Road East and Green Mountain Road.

It's a great weekend to get out and look for those birds for the winter
list.  Please report your sightings!

Good birding,
Cheryl Edgecombe

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
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