The 30th Ingersoll CBC took place on December 28, a cold, snowy, windy day. Despite the wintry weather 62 species were tallied which slightly exceeds the long term average of 59.2 species and ties the 10 year average of 62.2 species. The number of individuals was 30,902, almost double the long term average and the 3rd highest.

Highlights include the 2nd ever Wilson's Snipe, American Pipit and Thayer's Gull.

The combination of a deep water roosting pond at the limestone quarrying pits along the Thames River just east of Ingersoll and the nearby Norwich dump produced all-time high gull counts including 8210 Herring [previous 2556], 25 Great Black-backed [8], 5 Glaucous [2], 4 Lesser Black-backed [1] and 3 Iceland [1] Gulls.

Waterfowl were plentiful and most were found in above average numbers. 53 Common Mergansers produced the 2nd highest-ever count. There were 1500 Tundra Swans in the area since late November but only 2 small flocks were seen on count day, both heading south with the cold front.

The high winds and snow streamers off Lake Huron kept most raptors low although Northern Harriers were double the average. The four American Kestrels were the lowest total in 30 years.

Some sparrows and finches were lower than average in numbers. Only three [average 11] White-throated Sparrows were found. On the other hand 862 Dark-eyed Juncos were well above average [627] and Snow Buntings were found throughout and were abundant with 5164 individuals, the 3rd highest count in 30 years.

The biggest miss was Brown-headed Cowbird, the first time in the 30 years of the count. The long-term average for this species is 152. Other species missed include Ruffed Grouse, Merlin, Long-eared Owl, Northern Shrike, Pileated Woodpecker, Hermit Thrush and White-crowned Sparrow.

Winter finches were scarce with 1 Common Redpoll, 1 Pine Siskin and 4 White-winged Crossbills feeding together in a large alder thicket near Centreville.

Dave Martin

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
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