In what might have been a slow week because of all the seasonal activity there 
have been a lot of local reports and some very good birds. Bald Eagles are now 
regular wherever there is open water, the Peregrine was seen again on the 
Queen's campus and a Red-shouldered Hawk was at Bedford Mills on the 26th and 
27th. Short-eared and Great Horned Owls were found on Amherst along with at 
least 6 Snowy Owls. The first Snowy on the mainland this winter was one near 
Millhaven on Dec. 26th.
There were large numbers of gulls and Common Mergansers on the Cataraqui River 
on Wednesday but I suspect that activity will have diminished with the cold 
weather yesterday. A Horned Grebe was seen off Amherst on Tuesday and Thursday 
and Chaffey's Lock had 27 Trumpeter Swans on Wednesday.
Large Wild Turkey flocks were widely reported and there seems to be a larger 
than normal number of Brown Creepers overwintering. There was a Belted 
Kingfisher at Lake Opinicon last Saturday and a N. Flicker on Amherst on Dec. 
26th. The Yellow-bellied Sapsucker continues to visit the feeder near Elginburg.
Many feeders are entertaining large numbers of Am. Goldfinches and Pine Siskins 
are widespread but only in ones and twos across the area. Two Purple Finches 
were seen this week; one at Camden East on Wednesday and another at QUBS today.
Odd sparrows include a White-crowned near Ivy Lea on Christmas Eve, a Swamp 
Sparrow on Amherst on Boxing Day and a Field Sparrow at Bedford Mills on the 
There was a Rusty Blackbird at Bedford Mills and 3 more along the Switzerville 
Road yesterday. The Baltimore Oriole continues to visit the Halstead Bay Road 
feeder between Gananoque and Ivy Lea.
The last of the local Christmas counts is on Amherst Island this Monday Jan. 2, 
2012. Also this will be my last report to Ontbirds. Mark Conboy 
( has agreed to take over the bird records for the 
Kingston area in the new year..
On that note I would like to wish everyone a very Happy New Year and Good 
Birding in 2012.
Peter Good
Kingston Field Naturalists                                        
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
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