Hi All, 
While sightseeing at the Falls with my brother and his family earlier today, 
Jean and I viewed the resident (?) Peregrine Falcon and an immature Glaucous 
Jean spotted the Peregrine flying low above the river (approximately 1:30 pm), 
below the Falls. It then landed on the small shed on the roof of the long hydro 
building and remained there for some time.
We spotted the immature Glaucous (approximately 2:00 pm) flying above the 
river, below the Falls.
Bob Highcock and Jean HampsonSt. Catharines, ON
>From the Fort Erie bound QEW, exit at the 420. Head east along the 420, and 
>continue east along Roberts St after passing through the intersection with 
>Stanley Avenue. Continue down Newman Hill and follow Falls Avenue. Continue 
>along the Niagara Parkway. Parking is free at the Niagara Parks Greenhouse if 
>you do not mind the walk back to Table Rock.

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
For information about ONTBIRDS visit http://www.ofo.ca/

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