Today Jon Ruddy and I birded the eastern side of Prince Edward County and
recorded 102 species including a white morph Ross¹s Goose, and 3 and
possibly 5 adult Little Gulls (two that flew in later may have been part of
the three that left with approximately 400 Bonaparte¹s Gulls) and in the
pond on Kaiser Road. Other birds of interest were a male Black Scoter among
approximately 2,000 White-winged Scoters off the east side of Long Point, a
Northern Mockingbird along Long Point Road, a Blue-gray Gnatcatcher north of
the banding station, 40 Bohemian Waxwings between the banding station and
the lighthouse, and approximately 3,0000 Bonaparte¹s Gulls off the east of
Long Point. Alas, no sign of the Scissor-tailed Flycatcher near
Directions to the Kaiser Road pond (taken from an earlier posting by Pamela
Stagg): from Picton, go east on Highway 33 AKA Bridge Street/Loyalist
Parkway towards the Glenora ferry. Just before the ferry (There will be a
sign.) turn right on Lake on the Mountain Road/County Road 7. Continue for
many miles to Kaiser Crossroad, then turn right. Incidentally, excellent
maps for the county are available free of charge at most stores and on the
Glenora ferry.
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
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