Just after sending the note about the swifts, a Baltimore Oriole was heard 
singing, then was spotted, in the ravine behind my apartment building 
Sent from my BlackBerry device on the Rogers Wireless Network

-----Original Message-----
From: goldengooseproducti...@yahoo.ca
Date: Wed, 2 May 2012 21:53:47 
To: <birdalert@ontbirds.ca>
Reply-To: goldengooseproducti...@yahoo.ca
Subject: Chimney Swifts, Toronto

Heard at about 3:30 p.m. today, above my apartment building near the Black 
Creek ravine, just west of Keele Street, north of Eglinton and south of 
Lawrence. Swifts roost and nest in the neighbouring building every year.

Good birding,

Nancy Barrett
Sent from my BlackBerry device on the Rogers Wireless Network

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
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