Hi Everyone,
Just did a quick run through Chaffey's Lock along Opinicon Road (7:30-9:00a.m.) 
and had 6 Cerulean Warbler, 4 Yellow-throated Vireo, and 4 Golden-winged 
Warbler (3 male, 1 female). Other migrants include, 2 Indigo Bunting, 8 Scarlet 
Tanager, 15 Rose-breasted Grosbeak, and 25 Ovenbird.

Good birding, Bruce and Ben

Directions: Chaffeys Lock/Opinicon Road: Opinicon Road is north of Kingston. 
From Hwy.401 take county road 10 (exit 617) north towards Westport for about 20 
kilometres. Roughly 1 or 2 kms. past Perth Road Village on the right is 
Opinicon Road. Turn right and drive towards Chaffeys Lock making regular stops 
along the way to listen. Anywhere along Opinicon Road is can be good. The old 
railway line or the Rideau Trail system opposite Skycroft Campgrounds are great 
for birding. From Ottawa take Hwy. 417 west to Hwy.7 to Carleton Place. Turn 
left onto Hwy.15 and follow past Smiths Falls and continue towards Kingston. 
After passing Crosby start watching for Chaffeys Lock Road on your right.

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
For information about ONTBIRDS visit http://www.ofo.ca/

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