Hi Ontbirders:
At Mud Lake, in the pond just off Casssel's Road at the main entrance....there 
were 4 pairs of Wood Ducks and maybe a straggler or two as well.  As you walk 
along the main trail further on....the first open water area on the left side, 
I see a Black-Crowned Night Heron on a regular basis.  Thought I saw one near 
the wood bridge the other day but it was from far away.  
If you visit Petrie Island and the walking trails there, keep an eye out for 
tent caterpillars (you see the large cocoons...looks like gigantic spider 
webs....wrapped around branches...with the tent caterpillars inside).  Keep 
track of where you spot these.  During the month of June...perhaps from the 
second week of June to late June.....Black-billed Cuckoos have been seen and 
photographed feeding on these caterpilars (from what I have been told) for the 
past several years there.  Petrie Island is also a great place to see a number 
of nesting birds.  Some have seen Black Terns there recently.  Thanks.
W. Hum
Petrie Island is easy to get to.  Take the 417 east and go toward Orleans at 
the split.  Go past Orleans exit until Trim Road (lights there on the highway). 
 Stay left and turn left at Trim...drive over the causeway and onto Petrie 
Mud Lake:  Located on Cassels Road.  Britannia Yacht Club on the left and Mud 
lake on the right side of Cassels Road.                                     
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
For information about ONTBIRDS visit http://www.ofo.ca/

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