* New York
* Buffalo
* 05/17/2012
* NYBU1205.17
- Birds mentioned
 Please submit email to dfsuggs localnet com

 Great Egret
 Tundra Swan
 Blue-winged Teal
 Virginia Rail
 Semipalmated Plover
 Greater Yellowlegs
 Lesser Yellowlegs
 Solitary Sandpiper
 Spotted Sandpiper
 Least Sandpiper
 Pectoral Sandpiper
 Short-b. Dowitcher
 American Woodcock
 Cliff Swallow
 Gray-cheeked Thrush
 Swainson's Thrush
 Hermit Thrush
 Wood Thrush
 American Pipit
 Yellow-thr. Vireo
 Philadelphia Vireo
 Blue-winged Warbler
 "Brewster's Warbler"
 Tennessee Warbler
 Nashville Warbler
 Northern Parula
 Yellow Warbler
 Chestnut-s. Warbler
 Magnolia Warbler
 Cape May Warbler
 Bl.-thr. Bl. Warbler
 Yellow-r. Warbler
 Bl.-thr. Green Warb.
 Blackburnian Warbler
 Palm Warbler
 Blackpoll Warbler
 Cerulean Warbler
 Bl. and w. Warbler
 American Redstart
 Common Yellowthroat
 Hooded Warbler
 Wilson's Warbler
 Canada Warbler
 Scarlet Tanager
 Rose-br. Grosbeak
 Indigo Bunting
 Eastern Towhee
 Grasshopper Sparrow
 Rusty Blackbird
 Pine Siskin

- Transcript
 Hotline: Buffalo Bird Report at the Buffalo Museum of Science
 Date:             05/17/2012
 Number:           716-896-1271
 To Report:        Same
 Compiler:         David F. Suggs (dfsuggs localnet com)
 Coverage:         Western New York and adjacent Ontario
 Website:          www.BuffaloOrnithologicalSociety.org

 Thursday, May 17, 2012

The Buffalo Bird Report is a service provided by your Buffalo Museum of Science and the Buffalo Ornithological Society. To contact the Science Museum, call 896-5200.

Highlights of reports received May 10 through May 17 from the Niagara Frontier Region include LAPLAND LONGSPUR, WHITE- W. CROSSBILL, COMMON NIGHTHAWK, ORCHARD ORIOLE, RED-HEADED WDPKR., PROTHONOTARY WARBLER and KENTUCKY WARBLER.

May 11, a lingering LAPLAND LONGSPUR, a male in breeding plumage, still on Hulbert Road, just north of Youngstown-
 Wilson Road in the Niagara County Town of Wilson.

In the Southern Tier, May 15, 150 WHITE-W. CROSSBILLS at Golden Hill State Forest, at Chapman Hill Forest Road and Fire Lane Road, in the the Cattaraugus County Town of Humphrey.

The only report so far this season - COMMON NIGHTHAWK, May 15, over Woodbridge Avenue in Buffalo.

May 13, from the Lake Erie shore in Ontario, two pair of ORCHARD ORIOLES at Windmill Point, in the evergreens on the walk to the beach. Also in Fort Erie, four RED-HEADED WDPKRS. - two at Kraft Road and two at Erie Beach Park, and at Buffalo Road, TUNDRA SWAN and 3 BLUE-WINGED TEAL.

A combined 26 or more warbler species this week highlighted by a PROTHONOTARY WARBLER at Tifft Nature Preserve in Buffalo on the 12th, and on the 14th, at Tifft, a heard but not seen, KENTUCKY WARBLER. A "BREWSTER'S WARBLER" in the Iroquois National Wildlife Refuge on the Dunlop Road Trail from the Feeder Road parking lot off West Shelby Road. CERULEAN WARBLER also in the Iroquois Refuge on Feeder Road at Mohawk Pool and in the Tonawanda Wildlife Management Area on the Owens-Bartel Road Trail. And, several reports of later arriving BLACKPOLL WARBLER and CANADA WARBLER.

May 11, two GRASSHOPPER SPARROWS at the Lewiston Plateau nesting area near Artpark in Lewiston.

Shorebird migration steps up at this time. In the Tonawanda Wildlife Management Area, Cinnamon Marsh on the east of side of Meadville Road has been drained, attracting SEMIPALMATED PLOVER, KILLDEER, SOLITARY SANDPIPER, GREATER YELLOWLEGS, LESSER YELLOWLEGS, LEAST SANDPIPER, PECTORAL SANDPIPER and DUNLIN, plus 14 GREAT EGRETS and VIRGINIA RAIL. In Fort Erie, four SHORT-B. DOWITCHERS plus SEMIPALMATED PLOVER, KILLDEER, LESSER YELLOWLEGS, SPOTTED SANDPIPER, LEAST SANDPIPER and DUNLIN. And on the Somerset-Hartland Townline at Johnson Creek Road in Niagara County, five shorebird species included 50 LESSER YELLOWLEGS and 59 LEAST SANDPIPERS.

Other recent reports - in addition to over 16 warbler species at Forest Lawn in Buffalo - AMERICAN WOODCOCK, PHILADELPHIA VIREO and PINE SISKIN. CLIFF SWALLOW at the Peace Bridge. Another PINE SISKIN and a RUSTY BLACKBIRD in a Wilson yard. GRAY-CHEEKED THRUSH heard at night migrating with VEERY and SWAINSON'S THRUSH over the Town of Tonawanda. And multiple reports of HERMIT THRUSH, WOOD THRUSH, AMERICAN PIPIT, YELLOW-THROATED VIREO, SCARLET TANAGER, EASTERN TOWHEE, ROSE-BR. GROSBEAK, BOBOLINK and INDIGO BUNTING.

The Bird Report will be updated Thursday evening, May 24. Please call in your sightings by noon Thursday. You may report sightings after the tone. Thank you for calling and reporting.

- End Transcript

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
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