Hey Birders,


Overall the morning was pretty good, though things seemed to die pretty quick 
in the pm, with the warm and sunny conditions. Mike and I looked extensively 
for the Neotropic Cormorant, but were unsuccessful. At least 22 species of 
warblers were found on the island today. 

Highlights:Connecticut Warbler - 1 male, south of Middle Point, along the East 
Shore Road

Yellow-breasted Chat – same bird on territory along the West
Shore, daily - first found on May 6thYellow-throated Vireo - 2 birds along the 
west shore

Prothonotary Warbler
 – good news here! We watched the ale and female attending to a nest box along 
the road at Fish Point. 

 and Shorebirds
 seem to be showing up at Fish Point in the afternoons, in some 
impressive numbers (Fish Point's tip is ~1.5km long). Close to 400 
Black-bellied Plovers were on Fish Point this afternoon. 

Good Birding,

Ken Burrell  

 Island Heritage Centre West Dock, Pelee Island, Ontario, N0R 1M0(519) 
724-2291 "pimuseum" <pimuseum at hotmail.com> The Heritage Centre 
open from 10 am - 5 pm daily. The foyer contains a 'sightings board' 
listing May bird sightings (open 24 hours). 

Lighthouse Point is on the 
NE corner of the island, Sheridan Point on the NW corner, Mill Point on 
the SE corner, and Fish Point on the SW corner, due south of the West 

Pelee Island Bird Observatory (PIBO) continues its daily banding and 
census operation. Visitors are welcome. 

For more information about PIBO 
please visit: www.pibo.ca or call 519-724-2829. 
Pelee Island can be reached by ferry leaving Kingsville several times daily. 
For times and reservations, call 1-800-661-2220. 

The Tenth Annual Pelee Island Bird Race will take place from noon Friday, May 
11, to noon, Saturday, May 12. 

 Springsong Celebration 
continues Saturday evening with a 'Talk and Dinner'. The Bird Race is 
'All-Green,' i.e. bicycle or pedestrian travel. All teams welcome! 
Contact the Heritage Centre for details.

People should note that currently the ferries (both) are 
inoperable until May 15th. Airfare is available from Windsor, out of 
Great Lakes 
Airline daily, several times a day.                                       
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
For information about ONTBIRDS visit http://www.ofo.ca/

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