Migrators are back in full force to the West Quebec area.  I've been
focusing on the northern sector of the Gatineau Park, around Wakefield
(where I reside) and Lakes Philippe and Taylor, also Old Chelsea.
Warblers are my particular predilection at this time of year. Have observed
in the last week 14 species (palm, chestnut-sided, yellow-rumped,
Nashville, magnolia, black-and-white, black-throated green, yellow, pine,
common yellowthroat, northern waterthrush, ovenbird and, just yesterday and
today, bay-breasted, blackburnian and American redstart), plus 3 vireos:
red-eyed, warbling and blue-headed.  Saw 4 male scarlet tanagers last
weekend in Old Chelsea (visitor centre entrance to Gatineau Park) and a
loudly singing individual yesterday near Wakefield (Kennedy Road).  Also
seen were great-crested and alder flycatchers, bobolinks, rose-breasted
grosbeaks, broad-winged hawk, merlins and lots others.

Most of these sightings took place in 2 locations: the Lac Philippe and Lac
Taylor area of the Gatineau Park (northern sector); and right off Hwy 105
at Wakefield (parking lot 17, called P17).  From P17 follow the trail
briefly through a field (bobolinks here), then get on Kennedy Road (part of
the Trans-Canada trail network) that goes 5 km to Lac Philippe. I've walked
about 1 km down that trail and also on the Brown Lake trail which turns
left off Kennedy Road a short way into the Park (3 kms to Brown Lake -- we
saw a smooth green snake on that trail).

If anybody is up this way from the Ottawa area this weekend, it's worth a
visit (some bugs but not too many yet).

Happy birding on this long May weekend!

David Rhody
Wakefield, QC
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
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