I birded the two lagoons and small marsh this afternoon. The waters in the out lagoon (which is fenced in) are quite high with the seven mud islands projecting out of the water. Three Whimbrels were resting on the most westerly mud island. The three red-necked Phalarope were in the other large lagoon swimming near a female Canvasback. Other shorebirds: 1 Dunlin, Black-bellied Plover, 3 Spotted Sandpiper, Killdeer; 5; Least Sandpiper: 3 and White-rumped Sandpiper: 7. I also flushed a Least Bittern from the cattails of small marsh.

The lagoons are located along Winston Road. Exit at 50 Point Road (#450) and drive towards the lake and take the South Service Road east; take the first left onto Winston Road. The lagoons are not visible from the road but just east of the Shooting Range. The only access is along a mowed trail on the east side of the property (there are array of large communications towers just east of the lagoons). If you are new to this area, I would go on Google Earth. After I left I spent a hour getting all the ticks off the my clothing!!!!!!!!!

Wayne Renaud (289-828-0043)

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
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