Friends of Point Pelee provide guided birding hikes throughout the Festival
of Birds at Point Pelee National Park of Canada. Proceeds from hikes
support the Friends of Point Pelee and Point Pelee National Park. This
submitted report is a service of the Friends of Point Pelee Hike Leaders.

Point Pelee National Park Migration Update for:  May 20, 2012


Today has been a beautiful day here at the Park with numerous reports
coming in. Seventeen warbler species have been reported so far today, with
BLACKPOLL and TENNESSEE WARBLER being among the more conspicuous migrants
based on song. A singing male CONNECTICUT WARBLER was reported along the
seasonal footpath north of the boardwalk on Tilden Woods trail, and a
female was observed in the Post Woods. A female HOODED WARBLER was spotted
along the Shuster Trail during one of the guided bird walks. A KENTUCKY
WARBLER was reported in the area of the DeLaurier Trail lookout tower. A
singing “LAWRENCE’S WARBLER” was at the intersection of Woodland Nature
Trail and the Redbud Footpath. A PROTHONOTARY WARBLER was noted at the
usual spot at the south-east corner of Woodland Nature Trail. MOURNING
WARBLER and CANADA WARBLER were noted singing at various locations.

Of particular interest is a SCISSOR-TAILED FLYCATCHER from the spot where
the Tip-bound tram turns off the main road, north of the Tip tram stop. A 1
st-year male BLUE GROSBEAK flew off the Tip with two Indigo Buntings and
then returned but has not been re-located. A male SUMMER TANAGER flew off
the Tip toward Pelee Island. A NORTHERN SAW-WHET OWL was heard tooting
early this morning at the Group Campground north of the Visitor Centre.

Other reports included GRAY-CHEEKED THRUSH along Post Wood Trails, and both
BLACK-BILLED and YELLOW BILLED CUCKOOS along Shuster Trail. A 1st-cycle
LESSER BLACK-BACKED GULL and some RUDDY TURNSTONES were seen again at the
Tip early this morning.

Birders and photographers are reminded that they are NOT to use electronic
playback devices and ‘pishing’ is strongly discouraged to attract birds in
the park.  We appreciate your cooperation.  If you encounter problems in
this regard, please contact park staff, and wardens will be notified.

Good Birding,

Hike Leaders: Pete, Karl, Todd, Justin, John, Ellen, and Alvan

FESTIVAL OF BIRDS May 3 through May 21, 2012

Point Pelee National Park of Canada and Friends of Point Pelee

For more information on the festival and archived Point Pelee Migration
Reports, please check our FOLLOW the park on<file:///E:/Point%20Pelee%20Migration%20Update%20-%20Template.doc>

 Janice Rogers, General Manager
Friends of Point Pelee "Our Point is Pelee"
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ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
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