Talk about (sub)urban wildlife.


There is a pair of Trumpeter Swans in a small, stale-looking cloverleaf
catchment, or run-off, pond at the south-east quadrant of the intersection
between (toll) Highway 407, and 9th Line.  They aren't visible from any
road.  I was on foot, no binocs, but could see no tags on them.  One was
placing freshly pulled green vegetation in a pile on the south end of the
"island" (or peninsula, depending on water level) that extends out on a
north-south axis from the south side of the pond.  If one really wants to
view them, park at the north-west corner of Box Grove Mall, at the northeast
corner of Copper Creek and 9th Line, on the west side of the Mandarin
restaurant, and on foot take the wooden footpath at the lot's
north-westernmost corner, to the sidewalk, turn right (north) and look
downward as you approach the guard rail.  Stay on the grass (not sidewalk)
side of the guard rail on the rise to the bridge.  There was a pair of
Mallards also present in close proximity to the swans.



Barry Kent MacKay

Bird Artist, Illustrator

Studio: (905)-472-9731





ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
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