Angela Martin and I birded the Verner and Warren sewage lagoons yesterday 
While driving along LeClair Road in West Nipissing, we found 6 Black-bellied 
Plovers, one in non-breeding plumage, and 6 Ruddy Turnstones.  
The Verner lagoons, south of Hwy 17 about 1 KM on Hwy 64 and then east on 
Olivier Road, held 7 Black-bellied Plovers, probably included the 6 seen 
earlier as that many flew in while we watched, 4 Semi-palmated Plovers, 3 
Semi-palmated Sandpipers, 1 Greater Yellowlegs, 3 Gadwall and 6 pairs of 
Northern Shovelers.
The Warren lagoons, north from Hwy 17 on Hwy 539, east on Rutland St to Warren 
Road and south to where it meets Mangan Lane, a dirt road that leads to the 
lagoons.  The first lagoon held 3 American Widgeon, 4 Northern Shovelers, 7 
Gadwall, 4 Mallard, 2 pairs of Blue-winged Teal and 1 Redhead.  The second 
lagoon held 1 male Blue-winged Teal, 3 male Wood Ducks, many Northern 
Shovelers, Mallards, Gadwall and American Widgeon.
Both lagoons are posted for trespassing, but the gates are open and the berms 
are very drivable.
Kevin Shackleton
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
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